In a New World

Okay, week #2 is in the books… what a week.  I saw cows in my street, which in a city of 2.3 million people, I didn’t expect.  But, almost every day there’s a surprise; both good and bad.  Cows are fun. Forgetting your debit card in an ATM, not so much.  But, it’s all part of the journey, I guess.

Anyway, most of my posts and stories have been of the personal nature; hopefully there’s some entertainment value to it all.  But, we HAVE made some progress from a professional standpoint.  That’s why we’re here, right??

We had two very productive meetings this week.


The first was with our Legal Team here in La Paz.  They have been awesome, to say the least.  We’ve been receiving pro-bono work over the last year since our efforts have such a social component to it.  Now, we’ve formally started our partnership, and they are now helping me with my immigration paperwork.  Did I say not everything can be fun??  I kid, they are great people and definitely need them over the next few weeks.


The second meeting we had was with our internet service partner, Agencia Boliviana Especial, or ABE for short.  They gave us a list of 100 potential project sites that need Accendo’s help!  This includes installation of hardware and starting each community with internet service.  This is a wonderful opportunity, and we owe them a proposal in two weeks!


So, with all the “strikes and gutters”, we’re still moving along.  Some days more quickly than others, but forward nonetheless.  We have a LOT of work ahead of us, so I’ll keep everyone posted!