In Calacoto
One of the areas that I visit the most is a part of La Paz called Calacoto; or Zona Sur. I don’t mind the commute since I get to take the world’s highest cable car system! I head down probably once or twice a month to meet with our lawyers and other partners. Where I live in Sopocachi is very nice, but Calacoto is a great part of town. Lots of nice homes, good restaurants, things like that. Hoity-toity!
Below is a picture of our lawyer’s building (with the black & red stripes) and one of our partner’s building (Food for the Hungry, aka FH). If I were going to buy a place in Bolivia, I would consider Zona Sur.

We continue to make bits of progress here and there. Some of the key steps taken this and last week were:
- We are going to work on a potential donor here in Bolivia called Viva. They are a large communications company (think Sprint) that has a CSR department.
- I am attempting to get Pidola invited to a festival here on July 4th, where a bunch of multi-national organizations are going to be in attendance. Good opportunity to network!
- As I type this post, we’re still working to visit potential site locations near Villa Tunari on the 17th & 18th of April. A larger update will be provided after that trip.
- Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll be working with FH to determine if there are other potential locations for Pidola to enter into… in addition to Villa Tunari.
We are going to be very busy between now and May. Especially since I’ll be heading back to Colorado for a few weeks… for Michelle’s wedding! We are all looking forward to that celebration… 🙂