In Madidi, Tiwanaku & Sajama
Well, it’s been a whirlwind the last few weeks with Vegas, Colorado, Utah, and then the last couple. Many of you know that one of my brothers came down to Bolivia to visit for about 10 days. We had a great time visiting the rainforest (Madidi), some old ruins (Tiwanaku) and some mountains (Sajama). All of these places I had never visited, so it was great to see other places in the country. We packed a lot in, in just a short period of time!

Now that the travel is winding down, we’re back to the grind. One of the bi-products of traveling in Bolivia, is speaking about Pidola with Bolivians. We actually may have found another site that our resources would be aligned with their needs! The community is called Torewa Campesina, and it’s deep in the Bolivia rainforest; about an hour boat-ride from Rurrenabaque, the closest city. More to follow on this…
Other than the new potential site, we’re focusing on the following:
- We’re getting closer with finalizing the budget for La Mision, which will directly affect our fundraising plans this summer.
- I’m working on getting Pidola’s invite to a July 4th event here in Santa Cruz, which is thrown by the US Embassy out of La Paz. Should be a good networking event.
- The “Accendo Summit” is being planned as well, which will bring our Bolivian partners (Ministry of Education, ABE, FH) together to see how our efforts can align better.
- We’re also working on an event, in Denver, on July 11th. We’ll share more on this when we get into the middle of June.
That’s it for now. More to come in the next few weeks, and we hope this post finds everyone well!