In Santa Cruz
It’s been a very busy, but a good week here in Bolivia. As I’ve been mentioning over the last few updates, Pidola (aka Accendo) had been invited to a July 4th event in Santa Cruz, which was hosted by the US Embassy/State Department. This event not only celebrated the July 4th Holiday, it was also a celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the moon landing. So, double the drinks!
Pidola sponsored this event, which not only got us an invite to the party, but we also increased our exposure with the Accendo logo presented in a number of different places. Note, our non-profit entity in the US is Pidola, but we also have an entity (company) here in Bolivia called Accendo. This allows us to operate and get business completed here… hence, why you see Accendo instead of Pidola.

We did some networking as well, and we met a ton of great people from all over. Not only folks from the Embassy, but other partners and people affiliated with the State Department. That was one of our main goals; to network and potentially find some new sponsors. Hopefully the people we met, and the conversations we had, will become fruitful in the future!
We also took part in Habitat for Humanity the morning before the event. I definitely didn’t mind getting my hands dirty. 🙂

This week will be just as busy, with a trip to Rurrenabaque to visit two new site locations: Torewa Campesina and Corte (in the Department of Beni). It’s always good to build our list communities where Pidola’s resources may be a good fit. We’re also sending our contractors to La Mision to continue specification work, which will lead to the development of our final project plan.
Fingers crossed for a safe trip to Rurrenabaque, and I’ll keep everyone posted with our progress!