La Mision & San Jose de al Angosta
We had a busy week with a couple site visits. Back in December, you may remember that we went to a few potential project sites near a town called Villa Tunari. This trip we went back to the same town, but went to much more remote locations! The two schools we visited were La Mision, and San Jose de la Angosta.
The first visit was to La Mision, which took about 90 minutes to reach. They have 10 (!) computers just sitting in one of their classrooms waiting for energy and internet: see the 1st picture below. La Mision has about 130 kids, most of which are forced down a more vocational/technical path since they don’t have the resources needed for their education. Could be a great project site for Pidola.

The second was to San Jose de la Angosta. This school was about three hours from “anywhere”, and we actually had to take a canoe to get to the location: see the 2nd & 3rd pictures below. They also have 10 (!) laptops that are ready to be used, just no power to use them. This school has about 120 children, and was unique from the perspective that many indigenous communities send their kids to this school: Quechua, Yuracare & Movima.

We have lots of work after this trip: planning, budgeting, fundraising. We’ll keep you posted with our progress, and hope everyone has a nice Holiday weekend!